

Target large pores, crepey skin and fine lines with a customizable treatment.

From a light peel all the way to deep collagen remodeling – let your social calendar decide if you want to take your rejuvenation slow or hit it hard!


At Vancouver Laser & Skin Care Centre, we use the versatile Fotona™ fractional laser for clients concerned about wrinkles, fine lines, acne scars, and irregular skin texture. We can treat all these without the downtime associated with traditional full field resurfacing.


  • Safe for all skin types
  • The downtime is relative to your skin concerns (ranges from mild to moderate)
  • Can address fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, brown spots & skin crepiness
  • Skin resurfacing results without surgery or chemicals


The Fotona™ Fractional Resurfacing at Vancouver Laser & Skin Care Centre is a fully customizable treatment that is created especially for you. Our Er:YAG laser splits into micro-beams creating a fractionated pattern which results in approximate 50% of the skin being targeted. This fractionated technique promotes faster healing and improves collagen stimulation.

The Fotona™ laser’s flexibility enables us to fine-tune treatments based on your specific skin condition. This method targets imperfections in the skin while reducing the impact on the surrounding healthy tissue. Other examples of fractional skin resurfacing are the Fraxel™, the Pearl, the Pixel and the Sciton®.

Fotona Fractional Video

What to expect


60 minutes

Recommended Sessions

Dependent upon your skin concern and desired outcome. The average client repeats the treatment every 6 weeks for optimal results

After Treatment Care

A post treatment cream and skin care plan will be provided for you to use for up to 7 days.

Come in today for a consultation.

Book a Consultation


How much downtime will I have with Fotona™ Resurfacing? 

After a discussion with your skin technician they will determine the best energy level to treat your concerns while bearing in mind your social calendar. They can either build a treatment plan that is slow and steady with minimal downtime (a little redness for a day) all the way up to a deep resurfacing whenever you have that extra time to spare.

You will have approximately 48 hours of redness that resembles a sunburn. Cold vinegar compresses can be applied for comfort and Tylenol every 4 hours is acceptable if needed. After 36 hours the redness will start to subside and the abnormal cells will gradually peel and slough off. A light exfoliation can be done on day 7 to smooth off the peeling skin.

Can I do Fotona™ Resurfacing on my chest? 

Absolutely! Often clients forget all about their chest and as their face ages beautifully the neck and chest ages…..well, much faster!

I have a few acne scars, can you spot treat? 

We rarely spot treat our clients. If you have a few acne scars on your face we can pretty much guarantee you also have a few large pores and textural imperfections that can benefit from the treatment. We also don’t want to improve just one part of your face! We aim for an even texture and tone panfacial.


fractional resurfacing – men

Target large pores, crepey skin and fine lines with a customizable treatment.

From a light peel all the way to deep collagen remodeling – let your social calendar decide if you want to take your rejuvenation slow or hit it hard!