

Clear skin is within reach, and it doesn’t have to be complicated.

Clear skin is beautiful skin. And beautiful skin can be achieved with Clear Glow by reducing acne, minimizing rosacea and diminishing large pores, all without downtime.


Vancouver Laser & Skin Care Centre offers the Clear Glow as a quick and efficient treatment to address a whole range of skin rejuvenation concerns with no downtime. The Clear Glow treatment is non-invasive and safe for all skin types. This treatment reduces sebum production, targets textural imperfections, improves the skin tone, and calms inflammatory skin conditions, such as acne and rosacea.


  • Targets mild cases of inflammatory acne and rosacea
  • Safe for all skin types with no downtime
  • Can minimize the look of large pores with repeated treatment
  • Safe and effective for the face and body
  • Aids in reducing acne breakouts


The short, high peak energy Nd:YAG laser, with FRAC3 technology, penetrates deep into the tissues creating a thermal effect that reduces sebum production and acne. The Clear Glow targets vascular imperfections and triggers your natural ability to rejuvenate your skin and produce more collagen.

This treatment is comfortable and requires no topical numbing creams. It’s tough on acne but gentle on you.

Clear Glow Video

What to expect


30 minutes

Recommended Sessions

3 – 6 treatments, every 2 – 4 weeks

After Treatment Care

Just sunscreen. Resume normal activities immediately post treatment.

Come in today for a consultation.

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Can Clear Glow treatments cure acne?

Clear Glow treatments can help reduce the excessive oil production which often contributes to acne break outs. Paired with appropriate skin care and a healthy diet Clear Glow treatments can often reduce the severity and frequency of acne flare ups.

Is there downtime with the Clear Glow?

As with any laser treatment there is always the possibility of mild redness and or tingling for a few hours. Some clients have a mild case of hives that can be addressed with an antihistamine.




Clear skin is within reach and it doesn’t have to be complicated.

Clear skin is healthy looking skin, and healthy looking skin can be achieved with a little extra help. Clear Glow is one of the tools in our toolbox to help reduce acne, minimize rosacea and diminish large pores.