
36 Questions with Natalie Miller – Inspired by Vogue

May 10, 2023

Meet Natalie Miller

She’s a wife, mom, dog mom, philanthropist and a talented interior designer.

After moving all over North America because of her husband’s position with the Vancouver Canucks, Natalie was excited to find a clinic that would help her feel & look her best in this new city.

From treating her skin to partnering together for charitable organizations like Hockey Helps The Homeless, and The Burnaby Hospital Foundation we’ve learned that this powerhouse is not just a hockey wife, but a force to be reckoned with. Juggling her kids, a thriving business, being a devoted wife, AND her commitment to the community – this super mom deserves all the praise!


We sat down with Natalie before she took off for the summer to Pittsburg, for a “Vogue meets Vancouver Laser” editorial.

1. What’s your favourite time of day? Morning ☀️
2. What is your favourite skin care product? Moisturizer
3. What is the best skin care advice you have ever received? Wear sunscreen everyday! 🧴
4. When was the last time you used a face mask? this week!
5. What’s one treatment at Vancouver Laser that you think most people should try at least once or they’re missing out on? Introfill!! 💉
6. What is your current morning skincare routine? Cleanser and moisturizer!
7. What skincare trend initially scared you, but you ended up loving? Ice roller! 🧊
8. Favourite skincare product? Skin better 2 in 1
9 Sweet or Savory? Sweet 🍬
10. What age did you really start taking care of your skin? In my early 20’s
11. What makes you smile the most? My children 🤱
12. Do you have any pets? Are you an animal lover?  2 dogs! Easton and Lincoln
13. What is something you splurged on recently? Probably shoes 🙂 👠
14. Do you cook? If so, what is your signature dish? Not a huge cook but I love a good filet!
15. What do you do to stay healthy? Workout and eat fresh in your fridge! 🏋️
16. What’s your favourite movie? He just not that into you
17. What are three things you can’t live without? My kids, my husband, and family (dad and sisters) 👪
18. What’s the most adventurous thing you have ever done in your life so far? Skydived!
19. What’s inspiring you in life right now? My husband and how hard he works 💕
20. What’s your pet peeve ? When people chew with their mouth open
21. What’s your guilty pleasure? Chocolate 🍫
22. What makes you feel accomplished? When my kids use manners lol 
23. If you were not living in Vancouver, where would you be living? At home in Pittsburgh! 🇺🇲
24. If you are in a bad mood, do you prefer to be left alone or have someone cheer you up? Left alone
25. Do you like surprises? LOVE surprises 😱
26. Do you believe in second chances? In most cases, yes
27. What’s the cutest thing on planet earth? My children 🥹
28. What’s the best thing that happened to you this year? I had my son (within the last year)
29. What is your idea of a perfect vacation? Sunshine and a cocktail 🍹
30. Are you confrontational? Getting better at it but definitely not my strong point
31. What’s something you won’t travel without? Phone 📲
32. Favorite snack? Popcorn ?!
33. What was the last book you read? Lol probably something for interior design 📚
34. What are three words to describe you? Witty, caring, and resilient
35. Window or aisle seat? Window 🪟
36. What’s your hidden talent? Pretty good at rugby 🙂

36 Questions with Natalie Miller – Inspired by Vogue
