
What You Need To Know About Masseter Neurotoxin

March 6, 2024

Transform your jawline with Masseter Neurotoxin

We are all under tremendous work, financial and social stress. This unknowingly leads to teeth grinding and jaw clenching, which can lead to a condition called bruxism. One of the treatments for this condition is Masseter Neurotoxin (botulinum toxin) injections, which are becoming increasingly popular.

Masseter Neurotoxin is a cosmetic procedure that has gained popularity in recent years, mainly because of its ability to relieve teeth grinding and associated tension and headaches. However, it also has unexpected cosmetic benefits, making it a popular treatment for changing the shape of your face. But first, let’s understand what ” masseter muscle” are.

The Masseter Muscle and Its Function

The intermaxillary muscle is a thick, powerful muscle at the back of the jaw. It extends from the zygomatic arch (zygomatic bone) to the lower edge of the mandible (lower jaw). The intermaxillary muscle is also the strongest muscle in the body relative to its size. It has a thick, powerful appearance and consists of two main parts: the superficial intermaxillary muscle and the deep intermaxillary muscle.

Its main function is to move the jaw up and down during chewing, but it also plays an important role in the shape of the face. They work in conjunction with other muscles, such as the temporalis muscle, to elevate and close the jaw. This action is vital for biting, clenching, and keeping the jaw stable. The muscles are therefore decisive for your overall facial aesthetics.

What is masseter Neurotoxin?

When neurotoxin is injected into the intermaxillary muscle, it is called intermaxillary botulinum toxin. It is also sometimes referred to as mandibular botulinum toxin.

This treatment uses botulinum toxin to temporarily block nerve signals to the intermaxillary muscles. As a result, the muscle is unable to move.

What Are the Uses of Masseter Neurotoxin?

Masseter Neurotoxin treats a variety of conditions caused by tightening of the chewing muscles. This includes teeth grinding, clenching, jaw pain, and headaches. Neurotoxin can also be used for cosmetic purposes to slim the face by reducing the jaw muscles.

Teeth grinding

Teeth grinding, medically known as “bruxism,” is the clenching and grinding of teeth while awake or asleep. Sleep-related tooth grinding is a common disorder affecting 15–40% of children and 8–10% of adults.

Traditional treatments for tooth grinding include mouth guards, medications, and cognitive-behavioral therapies. A 2019 study found that injections of botulinum toxin into the chewing muscles were more effective in treating tooth grinding than traditional methods. Botulinum toxin reduces the strength and frequency of tooth grinding and minimizes pain.

Jaw Pain and cramping

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the jaw joint that connects the lower jaw to the sides of the head.

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD) is characterized by pain in the jaw muscles and joints. It can also lead to jaw stiffness, jaw locking, and clicking.

Jaw pain and clenching are common problems affecting 5–12% of the population.

Researchers confirmed in a 2016 study that botulinum toxin injections in the intermaxillary muscles can reduce jaw pain and clenching. Learn more about neurotoxin for migraines.


Tension headaches are the most common type of headache and the most common condition associated with TMD. These headaches are caused by muscle tension and tightness. Symptoms include

  • Pain on both sides of the head
  • Pain that comes on gradually
  • A dull ache
  • Feeling like a band is tightening around the head
  • Mild to moderate pain (not severe)

Neurotoxin can treat TMD by relieving tension in the muscles around the temples.

Changing the shape of the face

The intermaxillary muscles give the jawline a square shape. Injecting Botulinum toxin into the submandibular muscle weakens the muscle, softening the face and making it look slimmer.

Neurotoxin injections can also change several other areas of the face. If neurotoxin is injected into the other muscles of the face, it can give a wider smile, which reduces the extent of exposed gums. Read more about Improving gummy smile.

What should I be aware of during Neurotoxin injections?

Before having neurotoxin injections, it is important to have a consultation with a qualified healthcare professional who specializes in facial aesthetics or dermatology. For example, at Vancouver Laser & Cosmetic Center, we accept both walk-in consultations and appointments for neurotoxin injections. During the consultation, we will assess your individual needs and facial structure and discuss your goals and expectations. In addition, we will discuss factors such as cost and maintenance so that you can get the best possible results from the procedure.

We will examine your submandibular muscles to assess for signs of hypertrophy or muscle tightness and determine the appropriate dosage and injection site for neurotoxin treatment. We will also discuss the potential outcomes, risks, and limitations associated with the procedure.

Preparing for neurotoxin Injections

On the day of your procedure (or on the day of your consultation), we will prepare you for your Masseter Neurotoxin injections. Typically, no special preparation is needed beforehand, but it is recommended that you arrive with a clean face and no makeup or skincare products. We will clean the injection area and apply a local anesthetic to the jawline area. We will then inject Botulinum toxin type A with a fine needle into a specific, pre-determined area of the face.

The procedure is relatively short and can be completed in about 30–60 minutes. The short duration of the procedure is an advantage for patients with limited time, many of whom use their lunch breaks or days off to have the procedure done. After a few minutes, patients can leave the office. Some patients may need additional treatments to see optimal results. The number of treatments recommended depends on a variety of factors, such as the severity of the masticatory muscle hypertrophy and the degree of face slimming required. Typically, treatments are spaced about three to six months apart.

After the treatment

After the treatment, you can go back to your usual activities. It doesn’t require any recovery time.

However, you’ll need to avoid the following for the next 24 hours:

  • rubbing the treated area
  • placing pressure on the treated area
  • exercise

These actions might spread the toxin to other parts of your face.

What are the potential side effects of Masseter Neurotoxin?

Masseter neurotoxin is generally considered safe. However, it’s possible for the procedure to cause side effects such as:

  • pain or swelling at the site of the injection
  • bruising
  • headache
  • flu-like symptoms
  • crooked smile
  • drooling

Severe side effects or allergic reactions are very rare. If you have continued pain or discomfort, contact your dermatologist or doctor right away for the next possible steps.

Is Masseter Neurotoxin right for you?

If you are looking for a clearer, slimmer facial structure or want to relieve symptoms such as bruxism, then intermaxillary muscle neurotoxin may be an appropriate treatment. However, it is important to consult with a licensed medical professional to assess your needs and determine if Masseter Neurotoxin is the right treatment for you. It should also be noted that Masseter Neurotoxin may not be suitable for pregnant women, nursing mothers, or individuals with certain medical conditions.

Masseter Neurotoxin injections may cause some temporary side effects, such as slight swelling or discomfort at the injection site, but these side effects are usually mild and subside within a few days. Overall, Masseter Neurotoxin injections are a safe and effective method for cosmetic purposes as well as providing relief from certain medical conditions.


Masseter Neurotoxin is used for cosmetic purposes and for the treatment of disorders caused by the jaw muscles, such as teeth grinding, tension headaches, and jaw pain. The injection procedure is performed in a medical facility and takes about 15 minutes. There is little to no downtime, and most people return to their normal activities after the procedure. A professional healthcare provider at a neurotoxin clinic can help determine if this treatment is right for your situation. Enquire now to find out more.

What You Need To Know About Masseter Neurotoxin
